Tag Archive: photographs

Cave Canyon (CR 291)

Now you might be thinking that this will be a lesson on taking photographs using some type of electronic device (camera, phone, tablet, etc), but you would be very mistaken.  This is a lesson in using your mind and your senses to create a memorable moment in time; hopefully ever in your memory.

San Juan County is full of Indian ruin sites, rock art sites, huge rock formations and, most of all, spectacular views; taking photographs is a given.  Sometimes though, you have to put the device down, and take a photograph in a whole new way…with your mind.  Take, for example, an experience I had on County Route 291 which overlooks Cottonwood Canyon.  Standing on a cliff edge, taking photographs with my camera when I suddenly heard two ravens calling to each other.  I put the camera down, turned to see where they were, and suddenly they took flight.  Flying overhead, the flap-flap-flap of their beating wings could be heard loudly; a slight wisp of air touched my face…could this have been from those massive wings!?!  Now this is where the amazement comes in….the flapping of their wings was the only sound in the entire canyon area to be heard.  I didn’t move; I didn’t want to make a sound myself; I didn’t lift my camera up for a photograph; the sound of the clicking shutter would have destroyed the magic of the moment.

Off the pair flew, deep into the canyon area; and just with my senses of sight, sound and touch, this moment will be in my memory forever more.  A photograph would not give me this incredible memory; it would not allow me to experience the sound and feel of the ravens’ wings, nor the sight as they flew through the canyon area below.

There comes a time when the rushing around to take photos, to make noise has to be put aside….enjoy, simply stand still and enjoy the moment of where you are.

~ Mary Cokenour ~

Melinda Redd - Cultural Expo (1)

Melinda Redd - Cultural Expo (5)






Spring is here and so begins our Cultural Expos; this month we featured Melinda Redd, photographer and jewelry maker. Though born and raised in Michigan, Melinda now resides on a ranch surrounded by the splendid red rocks with her devoted husband and two sons. Her photographs and jewelry are displayed in many shops in the local towns; and she is often featured in solo showings at art galleries.



Melinda Redd - Cultural Expo (4)

Melinda Redd - Cultural Expo (7)

While her photographs of the Native American ruins and life on the  ranch speak deeply to the soul; her jewelry is delicate and will always outlive any fashion trend with its rare beauty.






Melinda Redd - Cultural Expo (3) Melinda Redd - Cultural Expo (6)






Thank you Melinda for exhibiting with us today, and allowing visitors to get to know, not just your wonderful self, but your wondrous art.
Melinda Redd - Cultural Expo (2)

For more information, especially on where to purchase her photographs and designs, you can find Melinda Redd at:

Her Websites: http://www.artfire.com/users/MinDesigns

or Her Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/MinDesigns-Jewelry-Photography-by-Melinda-Redd/350963554227


~ Mary Cokenour ~